Tuesday, November 5, 2013


                            BALZOTTI                                                                CARPENTER
WARD 1                 1329                                                                    1111
WARD 2                  527                                                                      855
WARD 3              1286                                                                     1034
WARD 4             1101                                                                       855
WARD 5              935                                                                     1242
WARD 6              854                                                                      992
WARD 7             948                                                                       946
TOTALS           6980                                                                     7035
                       49.80%                                                                 50.20%

Robert Sullivan                  7859
Jass Stewart                      7012
Moises Rodrigues             4609
Shaynah Marie Barnes      3834
Paul Beckner                    3431

Craig Pina                        3344
James Daley                     2856
Anthony Donegan            2557
Ward 1                             Totals

Timothy Cruise                  1186

Tom Sedell                       1132

Ward 5                            Totals

Dennis Denapoli                1006

Ollie Spears                       990

Ward 6                            Totals

Michele DuBois                1061

AnnMare Fitzgerald            653  

Ward 7                            Totals

Shirley Asack                    932

Timothy Sullivan              744

Ward 2                         Totals
Andrew Robinson        700
Krystel Love               345

Ward 3

Allisha Jean Clark     950

Mark D'Agostino      921

Ward 5
Judy Sullivan               1092

Gwendolyn Nauls         734

Monday, November 4, 2013

Gary Keith Sr., Community Activist is Endorsing Bill Carpenter for Mayor

Gary Keith Sr., Community Activist who ran for City Councilor is endorsing Bill Carpenter in a statement to Brocktonbeat "It was a very last minute decision because it was a hard decision to make as I believe that Mayor Balzotti has done a remarkable job over the last 4 years and I really like her personally, but when I ran for city Councillor at large, I did so with trying to make positive changes in our city to move us forward, and after talking to both candidates on occasions, I believe that Bill Carpenter is the stronger candidate to lead this city forward.

 AS, I have said on many occasions when Bill and I have talked, we differ on the power plant, but we have more issues than just that and if Brockton were to get a PP, it will be because of the sitting council that will win this Tuesday. As far as some personal issues he might of had, were just that, HIS personal issues, that if I were faced with the same situation, would have probably done the same thing. However, our city budget accounts have safe guards on them called fiscal watchdogs, as well as a CFO and our city Councillors who vote off on anything like that.

 The best thing I like about Bill Carpenter for mayor is that he maintained what he believed in throughout the whole election without wavering even in the face of opposition and scrutiny, but he came with a plan, whether you liked it or not, he had a plan which showed him thinking outside the box. Brockton has so many problems that we need someone with new innovative ideas and someone who is going to think outside the norm.

 Bill Carpenter is a dedicated family man, like myself and I can relate to him wanting to make Brockton the best place it can be for his family to live and for all families to live. As my campaign slogan was transition for change, well if Bill Carpenter is elected as our next Mayor, the changes that I wanted to see if I were elected to city council will start to materialize."


  • Brockton Water Commissioner & Community Activist, Patrick Quinn announced on InBrockton.com he has endorsed Bill Carpenter for Mayor ! Patrick Quinn joins Gary Keith & Dick Zaccaro as another candidate who ran for office in this years primary publicly supporting Bill. Please read his endorsement letter below:
    Four years ago Linda Balzotti stood in my driveway agreeing with me that the attitude in City Hall had to change and with the support of people like me, Linda Balzotti became the next Mayor of Brockton.
    The following year the city went through it's "self created" water debacle at the same time I was being appointed Water Commissioner, representing the rate payers. I had discovered gross lies from the Department that led to executive sessions that were later ruled "illegal" by the State Attorney.
    As I informed the Mayor and the Chief of Staff who vigorously took notes of the Cities Lies and the Department's continued effort to villainize the citizens which lead to many almost loosing their homes , I was in not so many words asked to keep quiet. That is to keep quiet about a City Government that is run by the rule of mediocrity and that takes no responsibility for past actions and has taken no accountability for the lack of actions - I say NO, as every citizen should when those in-trusted to preserve and nurture our city have only blindly milked our quality of life.
    There are many issues to speak of, but after seeing the gaggle of teenagers throughout our city in neon yellow safety vests; "that of which the incarcerated wear while doing street duty", with brooms and buckets in hand without any adult or structured supervision but the painted words letting us know that these teens weren't criminals but rather "The Mayors Summer Youth Workers", I realized Mayor Balzotti was completely out of touch with the reality of our City.
    Though I am a strong supporter of "NO POWER PLANT" and are part of citizens lawsuit against advanced power I do not believe this is the sole issue facing Brockton. I do believe the next Mayor should put the question to the people as a binding referendum.
    It is time we start taking care of business the way it was done that brought our City to be known as a City of Champions and that is why I will support Bill Carpenter as our next Mayor of the City of Brockton on election day.
  • Ryan Carpenter

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Brocktonbeat Endorses Ollie Spears for Ward 5 Brockton City Councilor

Dennis Denapoli has been in his position going on 14 years. Residents in his ward say he is not accessible and that he doesn't have Ward meetings consistently. In the past two years we have found two that the current Councilor has had. Residents are fed up with high crime in the Ward and the lack of leadership and insight that the Ward is in desperate need of. The current debate between Ollie and Dennis has shown some flaws in the current Councilors thinking and some of his recent actions are questionable.

First-we will start with the allegations of him taking signs of other Ward Councilors in the race of his Ward. One of the lawn signs that Dennis is seen taking is that of Gary Keith Sr. Dennis can be seen leaving his Truck quickly and taking a sign and throwing the sign in his truck and leaving quickly

Second- Dennis has not been very accessible to the residents. Many complaints of not returning phone calls back and lack of meeting in Ward 5 has led some residents to have informational meetings. Dennis was invited but did not attend. He cited that it would be an ethics violation because he is running for re-election and he doesn't have Ward meeting during elections because its an ethics violation. Brocktonbeat tried to find where these violations were and to no avail. You can watch during the debate when Dennis is constantly saying its an ethics violations and nearly has a stroke from being caught in a question that doesn't hold merit.

Third- Dennis is always talking about residency and that he supports the law on it but he is quoted as saying in the Enterprise on  June 17, 2013:
“I think residency has run its time,” DeNapoli said. “I believe probably if it was put back on the ballot. I don’t think it would stick anymore.”

The time for change in Ward 5 has come. Fourteen years is a longtime to have the same problems arise over and over again and not have any new ideas and energy coming in but having the same tired and almost burnt out efforts that is hurting Ward 5 and leading it done a further path of destruction that needs to be stopped.

Ollie Spears is the the blood and energy that needs to be pumped into Ward 5. He brings an new renew strength and hope to a Ward that is long overdue. He is accessible to the residents and he listens to what they have to say. He is quoted as saying he will hold monthly Ward meetings and is looking at forming and Eastside Business Association. Something that is long overdue. Ollie engages the residents to get involved an that energizes them to do something better for their Ward.

On November 5th vote for Ollie Spears Ward 5 City Councilor.

Brocktonbeat Endorses Pina,Beckner,Sullivan,Stewart for Tuesday, November 5th Councilor at Large Seats-People in Brockton Support Solutions.

Brockton- On Tuesday we go to the polls and vote. These are the people that we vote in and hopefully they will represent the people and make decisions and have insight into bringing about change to Brockton in public safety, engaging new business, decreasing property taxes, accountability within department heads and so many other issues that they all have a place on the table.

If we just choose a candidate because they believe one way on one issue then Brockton in the long end will loose out on opportunities that may present themselves. If are candidates are too one sided and have blinders on, then many other issues may go without and we might not end up with the best candidate for the job.

The City Councilors at Large that we have watched closely thru the years and the recent candidates that are running that Brocktonbeat endorse are:

Robert Sullivan- Incumbent- Offers his experience as Councilor and effectively ask questions when it come to property tax increases and also major concern with public safety. Easy to access and has a website.

Jass Stewart-Incumbent- Offers dialogue when it comes to nepotism and also offers diversity in the Councilor at large contingent. Always returns calls. Has a website and is everywhere.

Craig Pina-On the Issues Please Click. Has served on the Water Commission and bring vital knowledge when it comes to the Desalinization Plant in which Brockton is paying 6 million dollars a year to. His knowledge is important in this and he is one of the only candidate that  supports the Gateway Cities Principles and Goals. Has Great Website and is easily accessible. 

Paul Beckner- His Platform. Community Activist with Brocktonians for Limited Taxation and also been actively involved in the Community for Several Years. He has a style of communication where he will listen and actively seeks answers by sitting with the CFO or one of his idea's that sets him apart from other candidates is to have an advisory board made up of two-three people in each ward that will advise him on the issues. He is a team player and is actively involved in not raising the property taxes. He supports strong public police presence and looking at the budget and maximizing revenue that we are loosing thru contracts like Stonehill College were we are estimated to be loosing upto a quarter million dollars a year. Active Website and easily to get in touch with.

Remember the Slogan-----People(Pina) in Brockton(Beckner) Support(Sullivan) Solutions(Stewart). This is easy to remember for Councilor at Large Seats.

The other candidates for Councilor at large are Moises Rodriquez, Shayna Barnes, Anthony Donegan and James Daley.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Zaccaro endorses Carpenter in Brockton Mayoral Race

BROCKTON --- Dick Zaccaro, one of the co-founders of Brocktonians for Limited Taxation, announced today he will support Ward 5 School Committee member Bill Carpenter in his bid for the Mayor of Brockton.
"I fully support Bill Carpenter as our next Mayor of Brockton. We can no longer sustain any additional tax increases as currently being proposed by Mayor Balzotti's Administration to balance the $3.7 million dollar fiscal year 2014 budget shortfall. said Zaccaro. "We already have the 20th highest commercial tax rate out of 342 communities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and also the 78th highest residential tax rate out of the 342 communities. Any additional tax increase would be devastating to our local economy and result in a further reduction in any new growth."
Zaccaro, who is the Principal of Zaccaro & Associates, a third-party marketer representing various investment managers and products, believes the battle to keep property and commercial tax rates at competitive rates has been a losing proposition for the city of Brockton for the past four years.
"The city budget is getting completely out of hand at the tax payers expense," said Zaccaro. "I am extremely confident that Bill Carpenter has the experience, knowledge, and expertise to make Brockton a much safer, and financially sound place to live. Please join me in endorsing Bill Carpenter as our next Mayor of Brockton!" Carpenter gladly accepted the endorsement of one of Brockton's leading anti tax crusaders. 
"To have someone of Dick Zaccaro's stature in my corner is a great compliment," said Carpenter. "Dick has been on the frontline of the Brockton tax battle for several years and he has seen the voices of the people being ignored while the mayor increases taxes and gives pay raises to $100,000 administrators."
Zaccaro has a long and distinguished career in finance. He served in a vice president role at Wainwright Investment Counsel and the Hannah Group of Boston. He also worked his way up the ladder of the Massachusetts Treasurer's Office beginning as the Director of Cash Management Receipts Unit, followed by a term as the Director of Internal Auditing and Controls before becoming Chief of Pension Investment Operations at the Treasurer's Office. 
"To have someone with Dick's financial background back our campaign shows I am the candidate who knows how to get Brockton back on track economically." said Carpenter. "The way to bring revenue into the city is not to ride the backs of the commercial and residential taxpayers. It is with a solid plan to make Brockton a business-friendly environment."
Reprinted with permission from the Carpenter Campaign