BROCKTON --- Dick Zaccaro, one of the co-founders of Brocktonians for Limited Taxation, announced today he will support Ward 5 School Committee member Bill Carpenter in his bid for the Mayor of Brockton.
"I fully support Bill Carpenter as our next Mayor of Brockton. We can no longer sustain any additional tax increases as currently being proposed by Mayor Balzotti's Administration to balance the $3.7 million dollar fiscal year 2014 budget shortfall. said Zaccaro. "We already have the 20th highest commercial tax rate out of 342 communities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and also the 78th highest residential tax rate out of the 342 communities. Any additional tax increase would be devastating to our local economy and result in a further reduction in any new growth."
Zaccaro, who is the Principal of Zaccaro & Associates, a third-party marketer representing various investment managers and products, believes the battle to keep property and commercial tax rates at competitive rates has been a losing proposition for the city of Brockton for the past four years.
"The city budget is getting completely out of hand at the tax payers expense," said Zaccaro. "I am extremely confident that Bill Carpenter has the experience, knowledge, and expertise to make Brockton a much safer, and financially sound place to live. Please join me in endorsing Bill Carpenter as our next Mayor of Brockton!"
Carpenter gladly accepted the endorsement of one of Brockton's leading anti tax crusaders.
"To have someone of Dick Zaccaro's stature in my corner is a great compliment," said Carpenter. "Dick has been on the frontline of the Brockton tax battle for several years and he has seen the voices of the people being ignored while the mayor increases taxes and gives pay raises to $100,000 administrators."
Zaccaro has a long and distinguished career in finance. He served in a vice president role at Wainwright Investment Counsel and the Hannah Group of Boston. He also worked his way up the ladder of the Massachusetts Treasurer's Office beginning as the Director of Cash Management Receipts Unit, followed by a term as the Director of Internal Auditing and Controls before becoming Chief of Pension Investment Operations at the Treasurer's Office.
"To have someone with Dick's financial background back our campaign shows I am the candidate who knows how to get Brockton back on track economically." said Carpenter. "The way to bring revenue into the city is not to ride the backs of the commercial and residential taxpayers. It is with a solid plan to make Brockton a business-friendly environment."
Reprinted with permission from the Carpenter Campaign