Monday, November 4, 2013


  • Brockton Water Commissioner & Community Activist, Patrick Quinn announced on he has endorsed Bill Carpenter for Mayor ! Patrick Quinn joins Gary Keith & Dick Zaccaro as another candidate who ran for office in this years primary publicly supporting Bill. Please read his endorsement letter below:
    Four years ago Linda Balzotti stood in my driveway agreeing with me that the attitude in City Hall had to change and with the support of people like me, Linda Balzotti became the next Mayor of Brockton.
    The following year the city went through it's "self created" water debacle at the same time I was being appointed Water Commissioner, representing the rate payers. I had discovered gross lies from the Department that led to executive sessions that were later ruled "illegal" by the State Attorney.
    As I informed the Mayor and the Chief of Staff who vigorously took notes of the Cities Lies and the Department's continued effort to villainize the citizens which lead to many almost loosing their homes , I was in not so many words asked to keep quiet. That is to keep quiet about a City Government that is run by the rule of mediocrity and that takes no responsibility for past actions and has taken no accountability for the lack of actions - I say NO, as every citizen should when those in-trusted to preserve and nurture our city have only blindly milked our quality of life.
    There are many issues to speak of, but after seeing the gaggle of teenagers throughout our city in neon yellow safety vests; "that of which the incarcerated wear while doing street duty", with brooms and buckets in hand without any adult or structured supervision but the painted words letting us know that these teens weren't criminals but rather "The Mayors Summer Youth Workers", I realized Mayor Balzotti was completely out of touch with the reality of our City.
    Though I am a strong supporter of "NO POWER PLANT" and are part of citizens lawsuit against advanced power I do not believe this is the sole issue facing Brockton. I do believe the next Mayor should put the question to the people as a binding referendum.
    It is time we start taking care of business the way it was done that brought our City to be known as a City of Champions and that is why I will support Bill Carpenter as our next Mayor of the City of Brockton on election day.
  • Ryan Carpenter

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