Sunday, November 3, 2013

Brocktonbeat Endorses Pina,Beckner,Sullivan,Stewart for Tuesday, November 5th Councilor at Large Seats-People in Brockton Support Solutions.

Brockton- On Tuesday we go to the polls and vote. These are the people that we vote in and hopefully they will represent the people and make decisions and have insight into bringing about change to Brockton in public safety, engaging new business, decreasing property taxes, accountability within department heads and so many other issues that they all have a place on the table.

If we just choose a candidate because they believe one way on one issue then Brockton in the long end will loose out on opportunities that may present themselves. If are candidates are too one sided and have blinders on, then many other issues may go without and we might not end up with the best candidate for the job.

The City Councilors at Large that we have watched closely thru the years and the recent candidates that are running that Brocktonbeat endorse are:

Robert Sullivan- Incumbent- Offers his experience as Councilor and effectively ask questions when it come to property tax increases and also major concern with public safety. Easy to access and has a website.

Jass Stewart-Incumbent- Offers dialogue when it comes to nepotism and also offers diversity in the Councilor at large contingent. Always returns calls. Has a website and is everywhere.

Craig Pina-On the Issues Please Click. Has served on the Water Commission and bring vital knowledge when it comes to the Desalinization Plant in which Brockton is paying 6 million dollars a year to. His knowledge is important in this and he is one of the only candidate that  supports the Gateway Cities Principles and Goals. Has Great Website and is easily accessible. 

Paul Beckner- His Platform. Community Activist with Brocktonians for Limited Taxation and also been actively involved in the Community for Several Years. He has a style of communication where he will listen and actively seeks answers by sitting with the CFO or one of his idea's that sets him apart from other candidates is to have an advisory board made up of two-three people in each ward that will advise him on the issues. He is a team player and is actively involved in not raising the property taxes. He supports strong public police presence and looking at the budget and maximizing revenue that we are loosing thru contracts like Stonehill College were we are estimated to be loosing upto a quarter million dollars a year. Active Website and easily to get in touch with.

Remember the Slogan-----People(Pina) in Brockton(Beckner) Support(Sullivan) Solutions(Stewart). This is easy to remember for Councilor at Large Seats.

The other candidates for Councilor at large are Moises Rodriquez, Shayna Barnes, Anthony Donegan and James Daley.

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